
Showing posts from April, 2020

BEST coffee tour in CR

El Toledo Coffee Tour rated "excellent" by travelers Para Español Click aqui! El Toledo Coffee Tour (with reservation only) We are a very small farm, the operation is manage by the family, Gerardo, Sole y Raul and Gabriel and Ivette, We have nothing but the coffee we produce, so do not expect big buildings at all! Our coffee tour is educational . We want to show you how we work with nature instead of against it! 2 hours Tour, walking through the plantation and learning about coffee and nature! Coffee tasting, Wine Tasting, roasting and brewing!   Children under 10 years old don't pay! Why are we cheaper than others? We believe in education, that's the key to our future! and we are small, and we do the tour ourselves, so cheaper but not less informative! Watch this video to know more about us, it was taken for free by a student who came here few years ago: Or, watch this other video taken by Peter Greenberg. He came

best coffee tour

    El Toledo Coffee Tour rated "excellent" by travelers El Toledo Coffee Tour rated "excellent" by travelers Para Español Click aqui! El Toledo Coffee Tour (with reservation only) We are a very small farm, the operation is manage by the family, Gerardo, Sole y Raul and Gabriel and Ivette, We have nothing but the coffee we produce, so do not expect big buildings at all! Our coffee tour is educational . We want to show you how we work with nature instead of against it! 2 hours Tour, walking through the plantation and learning about coffee and nature! Coffee tasting, Wine Tasting, roasting and brewing!   Children under 10 years old don't pay! Why are we cheaper than others? We believe in education, that's the key to our future! and we are small, and we do the tour ourselves, so cheaper but not less informative! Watch this video to know more about us, it was taken fo